10 Great Advice Sites for Filling out the FAFSA

One can never get enough information about the FAFSA during FAFSA season.  Here are 10 terrific advice sites to give you detailed information about filling out the FAFSA as well as information about financial aid.


  1. For what to do before you fill out the FAFSA and what you documents/information you will need: http://www.ed.gov/blog/2013/12/7-things-you-need-before-you-fill-out-the-fafsa/
  2. For what to do after you fill out the FAFSA: http://studentaid.ed.gov/fafsa/next-steps?sf21405315=1#how-can-i-check-to-see-whether-my-fafsa-has-been-processed
  3. For questions about eligibility: http://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility http://studentaid.ed.gov/sites/default/files/eligibility.png
  4. For questions about how to fill out the forms: http://studentaid.ed.gov/fafsa/filling-out
  5. For questions about whether or not you are dependent or independent: http://studentaid.ed.gov/sites/default/files/fafsa-dependency.pdf
  6. For questions about how to manage your student loans: http://studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans
  7. General advice: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/financial-aid-101/how-to-complete-the-fafsa
  8. Advice for parents: http://www.ed.gov/blog/2014/01/parents-tips-to-help-your-child-complete-the-fafsa-2/?sf21408539=1
  9. How to use the FAFSA to fund graduate school: http://studentaid.ed.gov/sites/default/files/graduate-professional-funding-info.pdf?sf21405212=1
  10. To learn more about the different types of federal aid: http://studentaid.ed.gov/types

Do you have other sites to share?  Comment below.