Accessible, Affordable College & Difficult Discussions

Cooke Scholars converse at Scholars Weekend 2017

November 2, 2018 – Here’s our weekly roundup of education news you may have missed. Learn about new research on promise programs and public flagship universities. Student voices and difficult conversations are discussed in K-12 coverage.

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High-achieving high school seniors can now apply for the Cooke College Scholarship Program and the Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is accepting applications from community college students preparing to transfer to a four-year institution. Both programs provide up to $40,000 per year, as well as ongoing advising and access to the thriving Cooke Scholar community.


Elementary & Secondary Education:


Higher Education:

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education shares insights on college mentors from the Strada-Gallup Alumni Survey report released this week.
  • Two new reports examine aspects of social mobility at public flagship universities. The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) provides “equity snapshots” of six flagships in the Great Lakes region, which show that enrollment diversity has not kept pace with states’ demographic changes. New America recommends making these institutions more affordable and accessible for students with financial need.
  • The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research provides insights and strategies for designing successful place-based college promise programs.


Cooke Foundation Highlights:

  • Whether pursuing his law degree, making a change in his own life, or supporting an issue he is passionate about, Cooke Scholar Angel Sanchez demonstrates leadership and perseverance. The University of Miami shares Angel’s story.
  • Cooke Young Scholar Charlotte Marckx and her sister Olivia, also known as the Sempre Sisters, release their debut album featuring “original virtuoso arrangements of classical favorites, traditional and original folk music, and pop covers from Beatles to Michael Jackson.”


Social Media Spotlight:

Photo header: Cooke Scholars converse at Scholars Weekend 2017.