News and Stories

College Scholarship Program

Share the News about the New JKCF College Scholarship

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is proud to announce our new College Scholarship Program. We are asking for your help in getting the word out! The application is slated to open on August 29 and will close on November 5...

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Tips for Community College Students

7 Search Tools That Scholarship Seekers Should Use

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JKCF Young Scholar College Tour Summer 2013

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Cooke Scholars

JKCF Young Scholar Spotlight: Victor LaBozzetta III

Meet 16-year-old Victor LaBozzetta III, a Jack Kent Cooke
Foundation Young Scholar. 

Victor has loved music all his life and even began to play the drums when he was 3 years of age. By the time he was 10 ...

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Tips for Community College Students

10 Questions to Help You Determine the Right…

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Tips for Community College Students

3 Reasons Talented, Low-Income Students Should Apply to…

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Tips for High School Students

10 Tips College Freshmen Should Know

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