Community Schools and College Equity


November 17, 2017 – Here’s our weekly roundup of education news you may have missed. Articles discuss how schools and policymakers can better meet the needs of their students and ensure more equitable opportunity for success.

Happy Thanksgiving! We will be enjoying the holiday next week, and the Cooke Chronicle will return on December 1, 2017. Receive the Cooke Chronicle each week in your inbox: Subscribe here.


Elementary & Secondary Education:

  • The Charlotte Observer recaps the National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference: “One of the main themes was why low-income, black and Hispanic students are consistently less likely to be labeled gifted than white, Asian and more affluent peers – and what to do about that.”
  • In a commentary for Education Week, Elaine Weiss and Christopher T. Cross call for education policy to “advance strategies that ensure equal opportunities … including nutritious meals, access to a pediatrician, safe spaces to play, and hands-on opportunities to explore.” Examples one such strategy, the community schools model, are highlighted in District Administration.


Higher Education:

  • The Hechinger Report notes the lack of support in choosing a college major is “especially troubling for first-generation and minority students, who depend most on sources of advice beyond their informal social networks, but too often have the least access to these resources.”
  • In The Washington Post, Jeff Selingo shares his concerns about how federal tax reform plans might affect higher education. “Instead of taking away money from elite colleges, Congress could promote more equity in higher education by requiring all colleges and universities to enroll a minimum percentage of Pell Grant recipients.”
  • Sara Goldrick-Rab, Professor of Higher Education Policy & Sociology at Temple University, writes for Ithaka S+R on how research can “fuel action” and remove barriers for college students experiencing housing and food insecurity.


Cooke Foundation Highlights:

  • Additional coverage of “Making College Affordable” and its recommendations can be found in articles from The CITECredible, and NASFAA.


Social Media Spotlight: