December 12, 2014: Education News We're Reading This Week
What exactly is the best way to borrow for college? The Fiscal Times takes a shot at answering this question, sharing four steps to “ensure you’re making the best decisions on student loans.”
Read this opinion piece on CNN by Michael Crow, president of Arizona State University, and Mark Becker, president of Georgia State University. The co-authors outline the University Innovation Alliance, which has grown out of a need to help reverse the fact that “students from high-income households are 10 times more likely to attain a college degree than are low-income students.”
A new survey reports that 98 percent of major U.S. CEOs believe the skills gap—specifically as pertains to STEM fluency—is hurting their business. Many are also Common Core State Standards supporters, writes the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in an effort to improve basic academic skills for American students.
The Daily Beast published a piece on undermatching this week, which explains in detail the great tragedy of low-income students who do not apply to top institutions and makes suggestions on what can be done.
In receiving calls for applications for a nonexistent son, the author of this New York Times piece learned about the College Board and ACT’s selling of student names. “The more students a college can persuade to apply,” she writes, “the more they can turn down, making their “admit rate” look, in some cases, spectacularly exclusive.”
Education Dive lists the 10 ways higher education could be impacted by the newly-elected, Republican-led Congress. FAFSA, Pell Grants, and for-profit colleges are covered in this piece, and more.
Lalita Booth, a former Undergraduate Transfer Scholar, will be the keynote speaker at the commencement ceremony of her alma mater, Seminole State College. Booth fought through homelessness to graduate with honors from Seminole State, received two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Central Florida, and is Florida’s first and only Truman Scholar.
We are pleased to share that Emily Froimson, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s vice president of programs, has been named to the Board of Trustees of Phi Theta Kappa alongside Valerie Baldwin.