July 4, 2014: Education News We're Reading This Week
The Hechinger Report writes about a new study which uses text message reminders to “nudge” students to reapply for their financial aid over the summer. The study was also covered by Inside HigherEd and is co-authored by Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellow Ben Castleman.
Huffington Post shares the findings of yet another report about the value of a college degree. Yes, it’s still worth the cost.
College students on break: here are three ways to make the most of your summer vacation.
Duke University, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education, uses a dedicated staff to prioritize low student debt. Here’s how.
Vassar College president Catharine Hill discusses “How to increase socioeconomic diversity in college” in The Washington Post.
A recent article in The Upshot by The New York Times covered the Free Application for Federal Student Aid plan. In response to concerns, Susan Dynarski and Mark Wiederspan explain why they think the simplified plan is still a good idea.
Education Week gives an overview of a new list by the U.S. Department of Education, which shows college tuition costs school by school.
Ever wondered what sort of questions you should be asking at college orientation? U.S. News & World Report has come up with a list of suggestions for you.