Mojeje Omuta
Associate Director, Scholarship ProgramsMs. Omuta currently serves as the Associate Director of Scholarship Programs. Previously, she was the Foundation’s Associate for Graduate Advisement, and Manager of Scholarship Programs, providing academic advising and access to educational opportunities to the Foundation’s Cooke Graduate Scholars.
Before joining the Foundation, Ms. Omuta worked closely with underserved youth in New York City as a college counselor and college advisor, focusing on issues of access, transition, persistence, and retention. She has developed a passion for encouraging young people to reach their full potential through her work with a range of non-profit community-based organizations and liberal arts colleges. She started her career path working in the admissions offices of Bates College and New School University’s Eugene Lang College.
Ms. Omuta earned a B.A. in Anthropology from Bates College, an M.Phil in Cultural Anthropology from the Graduate Center at the City University of New York, and a Graduate Certificate in Academic Advising from Kansas State University.